Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Sophia's Room

It came to mind today that we have never posted pictures of Sophia's room. For those of you who live nearby and have seen it, this is probably not the most interesting of posts, but those of you far away, you might like to see it.

Sophia's crib and changing table came from my cousins Lisa and Shahram. The rocking chair is one that Paul's parents bought to use when he was an infant. The quilt on it was a combined effort by Darla and Earl's mother Lael. The dresser my grandmother purchased at a garage sale sometime in the 60's and it's been passed around in the family ever since. We gave it the white paint and multi-colored knobs upgrade in preparation for Sophia. We didn't paint the room because we aren't really that type of people but rather tried to dress it up with colorful prints.

Today for our outing we ran some errands and then visited my coworkers on the bookmobile. Then I decided I wanted a few magazines to read (since I don't seem to be making it through any books, to my shame) so I stopped by the West Salem branch library.

My friends over there were very sweet fawning over Sophia. Unfortunately, towards the end of the visit Sophia decided to start screaming, proving at least to some people that she really does cry sometimes! We made a hasty exit and she was much happier in the car. Soon Paul will be home and Aunt Jess is staying with us tonight so it should be a very exciting evening.