Monday, May 08, 2006

Sophia's first weekend away from home part 2

(Blogger wouldn't let me post all these pictures in one post, so please scroll down to part 1 first.)
We had a busy Sunday planned in Portland too, so Paul, Sophia and I spent the night at my parent's house. That went fairly well, although Sophia definitely knew she was not at her own house. It was very difficult to get her to bed and she woke up a lot more than usual. Sunday we went out to breakfast to celebrate my mother's birthday a little early. Then we took Sophia to meet two of her great-grandmothers for the first time. Both of my grandmothers live in the same nursing home, which you just can't beat for convenience. They were just delighted to meet Sophia. For my mother's mother, Sophia is her first great-grandchild and today was probably the happiest I've seen her in years. Paul thought this was the first time he had ever seen her happy. My grandmother Wittmayer is pictured with me and my father and my grandmother Slayton is pictured with me and my mother. I think we spent almost as much time taking pictures as letting them enjoy the baby.

The firsts didn't end there because unfortunately, then Sophia had to attend her first memorial service. My great Aunt Grace died a few weeks ago so Sophia attended with us. I did not have any particularly somber baby clothes to put her in (they just don't seem to make funeral-appropriate baby clothes) so I dressed her in her customary pink. That worked out well because Grace wore pink every day and all of her immediate family was wearing pink in her honor.

Sophia was so good all day. She did not fuss at all during the memorial or at any other point when we needed her to be good. She even behaved herself all the way home! Boy did she let us have it when we got home, but I can't blame her. She was just wonderful all day and she'd earned some grumpy time. Luckily she went to bed very easily tonight and seems to be sleeping well so far. I think she was just glad to be home. It's nice to visit, but it's also nice to be home again.