Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Doing Better

This is about the first day that I've been able to sit upright long enough to post. I am getting better after my surgery, but it sure does take a lot of stomach muscles to sit upright at the computer! For the first several days any time I got to see Sophia it was when someone would bring her into the bedroom to visit, but now I'm spending most of the day out of bed so I get to see her more, even if I don't get to hold her much. Recovering hasn't been much fun, but I'm hoping it will prove to be worth it!

Things around here are going well. My wonderful aunt Sue has been with us since Monday to take care of Sophia since I still can't lift her. I'm enjoying having Sue here because she's a lot of fun. Sophia was skeptical the first day, but really warmed up the second day. Today the three of us got out of the house for a short time. I hadn't left in almost a week! It was very exciting. We only went to Target and Fred Meyer but it was still more than I'd done in a while. I was exhausted afterwards but it was worth it.

Over the weekend Paul put Sophia in her Nebraska Cornhuskers romper. We bought this expecting that she would wear it during football season but she's grown so fast that it fits her now! She's wearing mostly 3 month sizes and some 6 month sizes. I guess that means Paul will have to get here more Cornhusker clothes to show team pride in the fall.

Thank you all for your support! I really appreciate it.