Sunday, July 09, 2006

She eats; she faces forward

This weekend has been an eventful weekend for Sophia. Yesterday evening, she tried her first "solid" food off of a spoon. We had been giving her some rice cereal mixed with her morning bottle for about 3 weeks now, but yesterday was the first time for spoon feeding.

Although it certainly was a milestone, we're not sure she really liked it all that much.

But, that's o.k. As we explained to her, it is the first step towards pizza! Later in the evening, mommy and Sophia spent some quiet time together before bed time.

Then, today Sophia decided that she was tired of staring at us when we were carrying her around. She loudly exclaimed: "I want to face forward from now on!" (that's a rough translation). Since she has us wrapped around her little fingers, we complied.