Saturday, July 08, 2006

Mom Dances Too

And, just so no one thinks that I am the only one who dances around and looks silly all for Sophia's enjoyment, here is a recent picture of Bryn dancing too!

In other news, Sophia and I have had a pretty busy week since returning home from Roseburg, and then from my parents' house on the 4th of July. On Wednesday, we went to the bank and to the grocery store. On Thursday, Sophia spent a good part of the morning in her new (to her) "command center." She really enjoys it for short periods of time.

Later in the day on Thursday, Sophia and I went by my work to meet some friends for lunch. While there, I took her around to visit some people, including my boss. She even got to meet the Attorney General of the State of Oregon himself. She seemed rather unexcited, but I'm sure that is just because she was looking forward to lunch! We went to lunch with my friends Anna, Ryan, and Steve. Anna and Steve apparently believe that their spirit will be stolen if their pictures are taken, so--although I did take some pictures of them with Sophia--they don't get to be on the blog. Ryan, however, was a good sport. Here he is with Sophia at the end of lunch (allowing me to finish my burrito). By the way, Ryan, Anna, and Steve are all in a carpool together (they spend 10+ hours per week together in a car...silly, if you ask me). They have made me an honorary member of the carpool, and they have a blog for their carpool. You should check it out.

Friday was again a busy day. Sophia and I went out to lunch with another friend of mine, David. After that, grandpa John and grandma Nancy stopped by Salem "on their way home" from the beach (nevermind that Salem is 50 miles out of the way, they wanted to see Sophie!). John and Nancy were so happy to see us all (especially Sophia) that they took us all out to the Smokin' Swine BBQ restaurant for dinner. This is one of our favorite places to eat, and we are so happy that it has re-opened after a 3-month closure. After dinner, Bryn, Sophia, and I came home and John and Nancy continued back to Portland. It was bath night for Sophia, and after the bath, Uncle Barry and Aunt Jess arrived to spend the night at our house. All in all, it was an eventful day!

Today, Sophia and I are at home while Bryn works until mid-afternoon. Sophia is proudly displaying her Husker pride today, when she isn't whining about something or another.

Have a great day!