Tuesday, July 18, 2006

15 lbs 5 oz!

Today Sophia had her (almost) four month doctor's appointment. The fact that she will not actually be four months old until the 22nd was brought home to me when the nurse informed me that she would not be receiving her immunizations today because they cannot give them until after the right date. 4 days ahead is not allowed. We can be as late as we want, but we are not allowed to be early. I just wish they had told us this when we scheduled the doctor's appointment so we would have scheduled it for the right time! Now I have to take Sophia back to the doctor next Monday for her immunizations. What a pain.

They did her checkup and everything looks good. She is 15 lbs 5 oz, and 25 inches long. Her head is 41 3/4 cm. She is growing at a nice steady rate and according to the doctor, everything looks good. Sophia was good at the doctor's office except for her fierce tantrum when it was time to weigh her. Afterwards, however, she was exhausted.

The doctor suggested that since we have had utter rejection of rice cereal, we should try another food from a spoon. So tonight we tried bananas! Sophia approached them with great skepticism, but better than the rice cereal, so that's an improvement.