Monday, November 05, 2007

Seasonal confusion

I'm not sure what season we're having. Some days it seems like early fall or late summer, and other days like winter. This weekend we had beautiful weather and got into the mid-sixties. Sophia was able to spend a lot of time outdoors, and at the wedding I performed on Sunday we took a lot of outdoor pictures. This is not what one would typically expect in November in Oregon. Usually, we would have rain, rain, rain and lots of dark, cloudy skies.
This weekend we spent Saturday in Battle Ground with Grandma and Grandpa. Sophia enjoyed playing with their toys, which have the benefit of not being the ones she is used to. We all went to a playground, where Sophia convinced Grandpa to go down the slide with her. Unfortunately, I cut off his head in the photo (which should not be taken as a sign of how I feel about my father-in-law). Sunday, my parents had lunch with us, and my mother attended the Sunday school class I'm teaching, so it was a good grandparent-weekend all around.