Sunday, November 25, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration with most of the people we love most at our house to celebrate; although not all several usual participants in our Thanksgiving didn't make it this year and they were missed. One of the lovely things about our families is that my parents and I have been completely adopted by Paul and his family, so family celebrations usually include all of us. We've very lucky to have married into such a accepting, loving group.

We had 13 (plus two in utero) at our house for Thanksgiving. It was a little smaller that past years, but we made up for it in fun. Our friends from Roseburg came and Sophia had a great time playing with their boys. In the morning Sophia and the boys, both dads, Alex and Gabe, took a long trip to the park. They had a great time until Alex had an unfortunate incident with the pavement and they had to come home.

We all gathered about 10:30 and at at 2ish. Paul did his usual fantastic job barbecuing the turkey and all the food was great. Sophia liked it enough that there wasn't much of a mess under her chair! Earl gave Alex a chess lesson which Sophia couldn't resist "helping". While Alex is old enough to really play, she mostly wants to move the pieces around. But at least she can name most of the correctly, which is doing pretty well for 20 months.

Sophia really enjoys playing with Alex and Gabe. This photo of them on the couch was taken during their after-dinner movie. Sophia looked at Alex and said "Alex sit couch" and he very kindly got up and move next to her. I'm not sure it's a good thing that she already has boys dancing to her tune! My mother always has Thanksgiving gifts for all the kids. This year they all got books, so they each had to listen to all of them. It's a good thing a book is such an easy thing to share.

Sophia didn't take a nap at all, so by the end of the day she was exhausted, so we finished our fun day with a viewing of the Wiggles.