Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Pottry Training

Last night Sophia and I were playing when she marched to the door of the bathroom where her potty lives and started saying "potty, potty." I thought it was a game, so I tried to pull her away. She was most insistent, so I took her in, took off her diaper, and let her sit on the potty. She stayed there for several minutes, all the time I'm getting bored with what I think is a game, and she's saying, "potty, potty." Imagine my shock when I finally take her off the potty to find she's used it! She repeated the behavior again during dinner when she repeated her potty-chant, and Paul took her. To celebrate her milestone we took her out for ice cream, so I'm posting a picture of the celebratory ice cream, rather than the potty chair post-use. She continued to use the potty today at day care. We're quite proud of her. Certainly, we haven't had much to do with the potty training! I think she's been inspired by the other kids at day care, or maybe she's just potty training herself.