Wednesday, August 29, 2007


It's been a few weeks since our last post. Mostly time has been occupied with living but there have been a few highlights, and frankly some low-lights too. I've had a bad migraine, and Paul and I both had the worst case of the flu we've ever had. We were sick enough that I had to get my parents to come take care of Sophia the first day, and the second day we took her to day care and then stayed home sick ourselves!

In between the health crises, we've been having some fun. We went to the zoo with my parents. Sophia especially loved rolling along in her stroller right next to Grannie Nancy in her wheelchair. Sophia kept looking at my mom and grinning, like she was enjoying having a buddy. She also insisted on petting every goat in the petting zoo area. (Which begs the question, why are there farm animals and a petting zoo in a zoo? Are they for the suburban kids who don't know any farm animals?) Aunt Meghan and Uncle Pat came to visit for Pat's birthday and Sophia got to spend the night in Battle Ground with her aunts and uncles, Grandma and Grandpa without Mommy and Daddy. We're sad to say that she didn't seem to notice our absence with all those folks to entertain.
We've also been having some fun around here. A brand new park recently opened near us, and it's the most amazing park I've seen. It has lots of slides, climbing equipment, and even water features. We love it. We've had a lot of fun playing with the kids in our neighborhood, especially our neighbor Emily who Sophia really loves.

You never know what Sophia will come up with to entertain us. She's figured out that if she holds the rail of her crib and jumps she can get a lot of air. Unfortunately, she's doing this for several minutes after we put her to bed at night. Recently, she put a blanket over her head and ran up and down the halls several times. Amazingly, she didn't run into anything. She never ceases to entertain us!