Monday, January 29, 2007

Sophia on the Rampage

Again, it's been a week since posts to our blog. I figured I should at least post some pictures before I start getting more messages of "concern" (which are really messages of "post more pictures of the baby!!!"). It's been a fairly quiet week, although we did some fun things this weekend. Saturday Paul and Sophia spent in Battle Ground with his parents while I worked. Sunday we took Sophia to the park and she had her first experiences walking outside on uneven ground and riding in a swing. Both were big hits.

I also mentioned in my last post that we were trying to keep the toy chaos to a minimum. Just to show how a week later, that isn't working I had to post this photo of Sophia's blocks scattered all over the floor. The blocks and little wagon were made for her by Grandpa Earl.

One of her favorite things to do is watch her bathtub fill up. We get her undressed to her diaper as quickly as possible so she can waddle down the hall and watch it fill. She stands at the edge of the tub shrieking and pointing at her toys floating in the water. We have gotten some great video footage of this. Still photos don't do it justice.

Finally, she has taken to saying "uh-oh" when she throws something on
the floor or when she drops something. We tried to explain to her that it isn't an "uh-oh" when she does it on purpose. But she doesn't seem to get it yet. Saturday Paul spoke to his sister Amy and she commented that of all the things in the world we could teach her to say when something falls, we taught Sophia something as boring as "uh-oh." Amy has a point. Amy suggested we teach her "catastrophe." I think it's a bit beyond her verbal skills at this time, but if we start working on it now, Sophia will get it eventually. So, just for Amy, we've been saying "catastrophe" a lot. Unfortunately, this will teach Sophia a fairly low level of what constitutes a catastrophe, but it's more entertaining than "uh-oh."