Tuesday, January 02, 2007

More Family time

The holiday family fun just doesn't end! After my father's party we went home to Salem for one night and then Sunday morning turned around and went back to Battle Ground to spend time with Paul's family. His brother Pat and Pat's girlfriend Meghan are in town visiting from Arizona. This was Sophia's first chance to meet Aunt Meghan, who was a real hit. Sophia was rather more skeptical of Pat. We celebrated New Year's with the family and then Pat and Meghan joined us in Salem for some time with Sophia on her own turf. After lunch today with Earl and Darla we have the house to ourselves and hopefully life can return to some semblance of normal.

In exciting Sophia-news she is working on two new teeth on top and she is a full-fledged walker now. She walks everywhere she wants to go, completely independently. She only needs help getting back up if she falls down. She would prefer not to crawl any more, but will crawl over to something to pull herself up. This morning she started saying "up" as she pulls herself up. As of yesterday she is also able to squat down and pick something up off the floor without falling. Her preferred mode of transportation is holding a toy in each hand. After all, what is the point in going anywhere if you don't take a toy with you? Already I'm exhausted by this new walking skill. Today I spent a couple of hours following her around the family room. I'm just glad she hasn't figured out running yet!