Sunday, September 24, 2006

Time Stands Still For No One...Especially Not Sophia

The six-month milestone has brought new, big changes to our lives and Sophia's life! She has now officially outgrown 3 large boxes of clothes, her Snugglie, her bouncy seats, and her car seat! As we phased out the bouncy seats, her "Command Centers" have become bigger parts of her life, and she seems to enjoy that most of the time. Today, however, we had to get replacements for the Snugglie and the car seat. That meant a trip to Portland to Babies 'R' Us. After putting Sophia in and out of several different car seats, and taking a trip to the car to make sure the one we liked best fit, we got Sophia a new "convertible" car seat. That means Sophia can continue to ride backwards in it until she is 1 year old (as is required), and then, after she turns one, the car seat will turn around so she can face forward! Won't that be an exciting day. Anyway, here is Sophia modeling her new car seat.

She was pretty skeptical of this new contraption on the ride home from Portland. But, I'm sure she'll get used to it. It does not have any place to hang her favorite toys in front of her, but she is getting better at holding onto her own toys, and, her friend Bailey (age 7 mos.) gave Sophia a "kick pad" toy that sits against the back seat and does entertaining things when she kicks it. Thank you Bailey (and Bailey's mom and dad)! The biggest drawback to the new car seat for mom and dad, is that this seat stays in the same car all the time. So, now Sophia will generally always be traveling in the same car, and mom and dad will have to trade off cars depending on who is driving Sophia to day care that day. I guess we'll get used to it.

In addition to car seat shopping at Babies 'R' Us, we also found a new baby back pack to replace the Snugglie. Although Sophia really loved the Snugglie, it was scrunching her legs and it was killing daddy's back. After we got home, we took a walk with the new back pack.

Sophia seemed to enjoy the new view (and once she figures out that she doesn't really need to hold on for dear life, she'll probably enjoy tugging on dad's ears and hair!). As you can see, Sophia is really fascinated by trees.

Finally, after cursing Nebraska's defeat to USC for the last week, Sophia decided that it was time to take charge of the team this week.

Although we could not travel to Lincoln to supervise the team in person, Sophia decided that she could call the game just fine from our office. Wearing her new Nebraska outfit from Great Aunt Cheryl and Great Uncle Doug, Sophia coached a near flawless game, as Nebraska beat Troy 56-0. Next week, revenge on the Jayhawks!

We hope everyone had a good weekend. Sophia continues to keep us busy, but she also continues to be the light of our lives!