Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Recent Round-up

Not much is going on around here except the usual day-to-day routine. Sophia continues to grow and amaze, of course, but what else do you expect?

The big news is that she has two front teeth. Unfortunately, we haven't gotten any good photos of them. She was pretty cranky for several days before they came through, but ever since has been in a very happy mood.

Her vocalizations have recently become more than just squeels and other noise and she has started making recognizable word-like sounds. I'm quite certain that she is calling me "Ma" but she's probably just playing with sounds. She does like that sound quite a bit and I'm only mildly smug about it. Paul says that I won't be so smug when she wakes up at 3 a.m. some morning calling for "MAMAMAMA" and he sends me in to tend to her. So I've been saying "Da Da" to her a lot to help her learn that sound too.

She has developed a really funny new facial expression (shown below right). I'm not sure what it means but it does not seem to be an angry face. She'll make it when she's quite happy. Perhaps it's just a "look what I can do with my nose!" face. Either way, it's hysterical to see her do it.

The weather around here has been absolutely beautiful the past few days so we've sat out on the front lawn for a while each evening. She seems to find the grass quite intriguing, and that helps her practice sitting up for long periods of time. Soon the drizzle will start and we'll be trapped inside until June so it's nice to enjoy this perfect weather while it lasts.