Then Uncle Patrick and Aunt Meghan came to visit and we spent the weekend in Battle Ground
with the family. It was a bit tight with 10 of us there, but we had so much fun! Sophia got enough attention from everyone that she didn't
mind too much when Lindsey was getting attention too, although she often would want to be
involved. She got to help give Lindsey a bath on Saturday
(Bath and other photos from the weekned here on Lindsey's blog.) On a visit to a park, Uncle Barry helped Sophia climb a large, fake, rock and she was quite proud to be up so high. There was also a fun game of uncle-jumping. She loved riding a tire swing
with Uncle Patrick. Aunt Meghan spent a tremendous amount of time reading to Sophia and playing with her. Meghan is a braver soul than I am and tried playing Risk with the boys. Sophia and Lindsey managed to
keep the rest of us entertained while the game was on.
Sunday Sophia and I attended a baby shower and she got to wear her offical "party dress."
Whenever someone would compliment her on it she would say "this is my party dress." After the party, we pulled out the air matrass, ordered pizza and watched Finding Nemo. It was great fun and Sohpia was a bit dissapointed on Monday when we told her we would eat at the table that night.