Friday, December 21, 2007

Family Photo Shoot

About 6 weeks ago we got new family pictures taken. We also had several taken of just Sophia. I keep forgetting to post them online, so here they are a little late.

Sophia's stranger anxiety came out full-force during her alone photos. Of 12 pictures of her alone, only 2 were any good. Not even the addition of bunny, her favorite toy, helped her smile. She just did not want to smile for that stranger who kept talking to her and making funny noises. In the photo where she's looking over her shoulder, I am just to the left, out of the shot. The photo with her hand in her chin was uncoached; she did it on her own and the photographer was quick enough to catch it. I think it's the best one of her.

Once we joined her, she was quite happy and we got some good family pictures.