Thursday, June 07, 2007

Adoption Day!

Yesterday was the first anniversary of Sophia's adoption day - the day we went to court to finalize her adoption. This is a date that many adoptive families celebrate, in one way or another. June 6 will always be a special day to us, the day our family was made permanent. This year, to celebrate, we got Sophia a balloon which was a big hit.

My surgery went quite well, and I'm not in too much pain. It's certianly much better than it was after my hernia surgeries! They did discover that I have endometriosis so there will be continued treatment for that. So we'll have to see what happens.

My parents were here most of the day that I had surgery. Sophia discovered that Grannie's wheelchair is very climbable. Grannie didn't seem to mind! Also, Sophia is now saying "Grannie" and sometimes "Grandpa," but she still mostly calls my father "Ba-Ba." Boy did they like hearing her call them by name! She also enjoyed having them there. Grandparents are always a big hit with Sophia and Paul and I appreciated their help.