Tuesday, May 08, 2007

"Ta-da" and other adventures

This past weekend was full of adventures for all of us, especially Sophia. Saturday we all traveled to Portland where Grandmas Darla & Nancy and I went to a ceramics show. We three have attended this event many years together and it's always a lot of fun. Paul had two oral arguments in Oregon's Supreme Court on Monday, so he needed to work a lot of the weekend. So, Sophia got to stay with her Grandpa John for the afternoon. They seemed to conspire together quite well.

After that fun, we went to Battle Ground to have dinner at Earl and Darla's. Sophia really loved rampaging in their newly remodeled backyard.

Sunday was a quiet day around here. Sophia had a cold so we took it easy. In the afternoon she had a tragic accident with playground equipment, resulting in her first black eye. In doesn't show up too well in the pictures. That evening she invented a new game, climbing on the wagon Grandpa Earl built her and saying "ta-da" while holding her arms in the air. She played this game for about a half an hour and even two days later she's still enjoying it.
Sophia has also learned to ride her airplane that she got for Christmas. For a long time this was a toy that caused great trauma, including tremendous tears when she first rode on it in December (see here). But now she can climb on it herself and push it around the house. The only problem is, she only goes backwards!

New words: "cat," "kitty," "bounce," "mine,"
"football," "grass," and "ta-da."