Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sophia's birthday Party

This is the first of two posts. Please scroll down to see pictures of Sophia's birthday cake and it's consumption.

Sophia's birthday party was a big hit and a good time was had by all (or at least, all who write this blog). 14 friends and family members attended and Sophia made out like a bandit in the present department. The cake, made by my friend Santos was wonderful and featured Sophia's favorite things, ducks. Photos of the cake and Sophia's tremendous enjoyment of it are in the second post below.

Today is Aunt Jess' birthday and our anniversary (#7!) and we shared those celebrations with Sophia, but the party was really all about our little girl, who loved the attention, the food and the presents.

I do want to single out one special present sent all the way from Washington D.C. that came from Sophia's Aunt Amy. Apparently Amy is concerned about the music we are inflicting upon Sophia so she made Sophia a compilation CD to rectify that problem. It is called "A Musical Intervention for Sophia, Volume 1, Because there's no excuse for bad taste." It includes music by Catie Curtis, Jack Johnson, India Arie, Brahmas and others. In the accompanying letter Amy writes:

If you lived in DC (or I lived in Oregon), you would no doubt have been carted off of dozens of rehearsals and concerts and hopefully would be exposed to more interesting music than what your parents can provide. Perhaps your first word would have been “harpsichord” rather than “duck.” There’s really no way of knowing. Don’t despair! I’ve complied a CD of a variety of music for your listening

There are thousands of styles of music out there, form classical to hip-hop. I
have my own preferences, of course, but ultimately there are only 2 major
1) Good
2) Bad
My favorite part is track #1 which is a rendition of the Happy Birthday song which is a Sophia-specific version. My original assumption was that this was custom produced for Sophia. Amy updated us (3-27) that you can find name-specific versions of Happy Birthday on Itunes. But it still is pretty special. It really touches me that Amy would go to the effort of trying to overcome our music education deficits, so I will try not to be insulted by her disparaging our musical taste! I would much prefer to concentrate on her implied offer of free babysitting ("carted off to dozens of rehearsals" sounds like free babysitting to me!)

Other presents were also special and included a ladybug ball, new clothes, blocks, books and a Sophia-sized picnic table. All should be fun and well-used! Such loving friends and family Sophia has.