Saturday, December 23, 2006

9 months old!

Yesterday Sophia was nine months old and she is WALKING! Boy are we in trouble. She is taking up to 5 steps unaided and then leaning forward to reach something a few feet away and going ker-plunk. (Perhaps she has issues with depth perception.) She has been walking for about 5 days now and it's very exciting. When she wants to get someplace with speed, however, she still prefers to crawl.

Last night we opened our Christmas presents to each other, not seeing the point in hauling them to Portland where we will spent the next few days. Sophia seems to like her bear hand puppet and Leapfrog Learning Table with all sorts of activities and music she can play. Mostly she wanted to eat the bows but we didn't let her.

Today Paul is helping Barry & Jess move into their new house. Sophia is with Grandma Darla. This evening we'll go to Grandma Nancy's and Grandpa John's and spend the next two nights at their house going back and forth to Earl and Darla's so we can celebrate with everyone.

Happy Christmas everyone!