Sunday, June 11, 2006

Weekend Round-up

This weekend got off to a very exciting start with the news that my cousin Cortney has a new baby boy! Calvin was born Friday evening and we couldn't be more thrilled for Cortney and Jon.

We've had a nice weekend, even though I had to work on Saturday. Paul and Sophia came to the bookmobile and Sophia helped me check out books to people and met some of our patrons.

Sophia was having a fairly messy day, and by the time I got home from work on Saturday she was on her third outfit of the day. After an afternoon snack, we went out to Minto Brown Park and took a family walk. It was bright and sunny, so we tried out sunglasses and a hat on Sophia. Although we thought she was quite adorable, she was less than thrilled with the ensemble.

Last night Sophia slept the longest she ever had at one stretch: from 9:30 until 6 AM. Her mom and dad were very grateful. Well rested, today we had a lot of fun. Our friends Steve, Maryann and Bailey came down for lunch. Bailey is about a month older than Sophia and it is just amazing what a difference a month makes.

After a weekend full of so many big events, it is no wonder that Sophia was asleep tonight by 8:30. She was exhausted. We're hoping for another good sleep tonight.