Monday, November 27, 2006


For our friends and family in other parts of the country, it will be hard to understand how exciting it is for there to be snow in our part of Oregon. But snow here, especially snow that sticks to the ground and doesn't melt immediately, is very rare. When I was a small child I once asked my mother what the song "White Christmas" was about because I had no frame of reference having never seen a white Christmas. I still think I've only seen 2 or 3 in my life. So, today when it snowed I was very excited and had to bundle up Sophia and me and go outside. She was very puzzled by the snow. She also didn't seem to understand why I was so excited. We pressed a passing stranger into service as a photographer so we could get a photo of Sophia's first snow-fall.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Sophia's first Thanksgiving

This is our fourth year hosting Thanksgiving and the year we have the most to be thankful for. This year we have our very own little girl! What a wonder and joy she is. Attending this year we pretty much had our usual crowd, my parents, Paul's parents, Barry and Jess, our friends Christina, Peter & Miriam, and Derek, Ann Marie, Alex and Gabe. Special guests this year were Paul's grandmother Lael visiting from South Dakota and his sister Amy who lives in Washington, D.C.

We all gorged on wonderful food, enjoyed talking to each other and had the most fun watching and playing with the four children. The first thanksgiving we hosted Alex was the only child, and now there are 4. Who knows how many will attend next year! One of the cutest things that happened was that Gabe has a new special name for Sophia. He calls her "Fofie" which sounds a lot like "Sophie" with the "S" and "ph" replaced by "f." It was so cute that by the end of the day several others were calling her "Fofie." I even found myself doing it after everyone left!

Sophia did not nap enough since she wanted to show off her new impressive skills of crawling, pulling herself up and standing. New today are the skills of kneeling on her knees and of pushing herself up on her hands and feet like a little a-frame structure. She really wants to walk and with the way she is gaining rapid command over her body, it can't be too far off.

We are lucky to be parents this Thanksgiving, and also lucky to have so many friends and family who came to celebrate this holiday with us. Tomorrow we're off to Battle Ground to spend more time with Amy, Lael and Paul's parents, so the party continues!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The Amazing Standing Baby

For quite some time we have been calling Sophia the "amazing standing baby" because she loves standing so much, but now she's pulling herself up, standing on her own, and even gliding along the edge of the couch. From crawling to gliding in 5 days (she started this yesterday). She's growing by leaps and bounds. Tonight she also started clapping. It's very cute. But then we think most things she does are cute.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Poor Abby

See what I meant about our cat being in big trouble now that Sophia can crawl?

Today Sophia chased the cat about 15 feet from the family room, down the hall and into the living room before Abby finally bolted down the hall and into safety. Poor kitty, this isn't going to be a good time for her because Sophia thinks she's the most interesting thing in the house!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Crawling Baby!

We have a crawling baby! Oh boy are we in trouble. Sophia has been close the past few weeks, and taking a few crawl "steps" for about the last week, but last night she took off. Now she can go wherever she wants and is really enjoying this new freedom. The poor cat is staying very far away.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

What is an appellate attorney?

Often when I tell someone what Paul does for a living they have no idea what an appellate attorney is. Well, if you want to see him live and in action before Oregon's Supreme Court, click here,, and go to the case State v. William Ernest Birchfield, and download the podcast. I will warn you, it takes quite a while to download. His arguments before the Supreme Court are not usually recorded, but the Supreme Court periodically travels to the community colleges of Oregon and Paul happened to be on the docket for a recent visit. The community college recorded the arguments and posted them online. Enjoy!

Monday, November 13, 2006

7 months old and Sophia is still meeting new family members!

Today Paul gave a continuing legal education talk over lunch in Roseburg. As that is a couple of hours away, we seized the opportunity to go to Roseburg a day early and visit our good friends the Simmons family. Sadly, I did not take any pictures with them, so if you need to be reminded of them, you may go to the blog post from Sunday, July 02, 2006.

Today while Paul was off educating lawyers, I went to visit my cousins who live to the northeast of Roseburg. To be technical, and to please my father, I visited my first-cousin-once removed, Kathy, my second cousin Diane, and Diane's sons Luke and Stanley, who are my second-cousins-once-removed. Luke and Stanley are Sophia's third cousins.

Ok, Dad-duties done, we had a fantastic time with them and Sophia took immediately to Kathy, wanting Kathy to hold and play with her. She got upset when Kathy left the room to make a salad. She was also highly charmed by Luke and Stanley who were amazing playing with her. It took longer to warm up to Diane, but once she did, she happily used Diane as a Johnny-jump-up.

After the wonderful time I spent with them today I left asking myself why I don't see them more often. I enjoyed myself so very much and Sophia seemed to as well. It is so lovely when people are more than family, but are also people you truly enjoy being with.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

New Sophiemobile

We have joined the ranks of the uncool. Of course, it is entirely possible that we have been uncool for quite some time, but now it is official. Yesterday we bought a minivan, and so now we are truly uncool. We, however, have lots of space for Sophia's gear and all of our friends and family to ride together in comfort, so we're ok with our loss of status.

Also yesterday we met my parents and our friend Joanne (not pictured, unfortunately) for dinner where Grandpa John assisted Sophia in mounting an assault on Grandma Nancy. Grandma Nancy does not seem too upset by this.

Sophia is so close to crawling. This morning she actually did crawl forward about four paces, but hasn't repeated it. Apparently when she sees something she wants enough, she's willing to crawl as her form of transport. She is much more mobile in other ways too. She has learned to scoot while sitting upright on her bottom and that's pretty funny to watch. She also pushes herself backwards - her most frequent mode of transport - and uses the old standby, rolling. For the first time today we had to use the ottoman as a barrier to the kitchen. I think this is a sign of things to come. Pictured to the right you see her going after the toys in her box. We've been letting her choose her own toys lately and she really loves that.

She also is frequently interested in helping feed herself. When she is getting grumpy about eating we let her help. But we are not yet courageous enough to let her eat without us holding the end of the spoon. That mess is coming soon!