Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Sophia couldn't decide if she wanted to be a penguin or a pumpkin, so she was both. She was a penguin to visit mine and Paul's works, and pumpkin to visit our neighbor's house for her one stop of actual trick-or-treating.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Weekend Round-up

This weekend we saw lots of people. Friday night we had company for dinner, the Ivins family who watched Sophia before her regular day-care started. It was fun to see them and they are such nice people. Their little girl, Talia, worked pretty hard bringing Sophia toys and keeping up a running commentary on lots of things. Rachel, who is a kindergarten teacher, even read to the girls some. Sophia was duly impressed by this much more professional reading-outloud standard.

Saturday Paul and Sophia went to Battle Ground to visit Grandma Darla and Grandpa Earl and watch a fairly tragic Husker game. At least they had Sophia to keep them happy. I had to work.

Tonight we had dinner with my parents. As usual, they were charmed by Sophia. Sophia in turn seemed to enjoy them. She was especially chatty, making lots of sounds. When she got close to Grandma Nancy she kept petting her arm and rubbing her face on her. I think she liked the way Grandma's sweater felt, but maybe she just wanted to snuggle with Grandma, you never know.

Finally I'm just including a few cute pictures of Sophia, because that's mostly why people come to the blog.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Halloween Card

Today Sophia received a card from Aunt Sue.
What does she do with a card?

Oh yes, it goes in the mouth. (Don't worry. I didn't actually let her chew on the card.)

Monday, October 23, 2006

Tantrums and New Hats

Yesterday we ran errands and hung out around the house. It was exactly what we needed after a few busy days.

Paul tried to teach Sophia to crawl. It didn't work. He continues to try.

Then she threw a massive tantrum when we fed her dinner.

Today she and I have been running errands and spending time just the two of us (with the exception of having lunch with Paul). This evening Paul took her for a walk and since it's chilly, she had to wear her new hat. I think it's a cute hat, so I took a picture.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Time with Aunt Sue

Friday was a very mixed day for me. We started by attending a memorial service for a much-loved family friend, Barb, who died a week ago. It was a lovely celebration of her life but it was very hard to say goodbye. After the service Sophia and I went to Scappoose to my aunt and uncle Sue and Jim’s house. My cousin (ok, if you want to be technical, 1st cousin once removed) Justin is the quarterback for the Scappoose High School football team and we wanted to see him play at least once. The plan was for Paul, Sophia and I to race up to Scappoose after work Friday in time for the game. But the memorial meant that I didn’t go to work at all Friday and Sophia and I were able to have a wonderful, relaxing afternoon with my aunt, and time with Sue is always time well spent. I know few people who are more likely to cheer you up when you’re sad. We had a fun afternoon with lots of playing with Sophia and looking at old pictures. Sue’s daughters Cheryl and Amy and my uncle Jim were all with us for dinner and Paul made it just in time to scarf down some soup and head off to the game.

It was Sophia’s first live football game, although as you may have noticed since she is a Smith she has watched a few football games on T.V. Since the game didn’t start until 7 and she usually goes to bed between 7 & 7:30, and she’d had such a strange day with the memorial, reception afterwards all the time in the car, and being in a new place, we did not know what to expect from her at the game. She was perfectly behaved! She looked around with wide eyes all the time, and frequently seemed to be watching the game. I’m quite sure she understands football better than I do. She and I left at halftime because we didn’t want to push our luck, but she was very good. The red snowsuit she is pictured wearing was mine when I was little. It kept her nice and warm.

Saturday morning we hung out with Sue and Jim and had a lovely time with them. Sophia and Sue had some good time to bond. I am really lucky to have such a good relationship with my aunt and I hope Sophia will too!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Grandpa Weekend

Sophia's Grandpa John stayed with us this weekend. He was in town to attend a Willamette University Board of Trustees meeting and instead of going back and forth to Portland each day; he spent Friday and Saturday night with us. My mom’s friend Brenda stayed with her. It was quite a treat for all three of us to have him visit and Sophia seemed quite fascinated by him. Granted, for these few days, he has been the most interesting and strange member of the household, so who can blame her?

Today we tried to go to a farm that has all kinds of fun fall activities, corn and hay mazes, a hay ride, a pumpkin patch and other things. Unfortunately, by the time we got there it was pouring and we decided not to wander around outside. We did take the opportunity to pose for a few pictures in their gift shop and buy fresh corn to have for lunch. At least Sophia is too young to be heartbroken by the change of plans. But the ride to and from the farm was fun for Sophia since with my father here, she got to have someone ride in the back seat with her and she loves to have company back there.

I don't think we reported on Sophia's six-month doctor's visit which was held on Tuesday. She had all of her vaccinations and weighted in at 18 lbs 13 oz. She is 27 3/4 in tall with a head circumference of 17 inches. She remains slightly above the 90 percentile, the same place she has been since birth, which is one of the things doctors look for. They don't want to see dramatic decreases in percentile position. She is quite healthy, but we think she may have a skin allergy to apples. Her six month visit was a little late because the doctor wanted to wait until she was over her ear infection.

Lately we have noticed a tendency for Sophia to create what we are calling a "blast zone" of toys around her: whatever toys she is playing with end up spread in about a circle just beyond arms' reach. It certainly increases the mess around here!

Things continue to go about on schedule for her. She really loves eating her finger foods, but we've only got her on the veggie puffs so far. Today we gave her some mashed potatoes. She seemed to like the taste but have a hard time with the thickness. She isn't crawling yet, but looks like she's about ready to sit up from lying flat on the floor. That will be a big step since one of the things she's doing a lot lately is falling over and bonking her head into things that are giving her bruises. It's awfully hard to see her with bruises on her face, but I guess we'll just have to get used to it as she gets more mobile.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

More fun and excitement

Today we had more fun and excitement in the Wittmayer and Smith household. (Or as everyone else likes to think of it, Sophia's house.) This afternoon Sophia and I went to a lovely party with my friends who work at our branch library. They are not people I get to see a lot but I always enjoy them. They made the most lovely gift for Sophia. Pat painted the picture and Mary

Beth did the calligraphy. It is a very special gift and we'll hang it up in Sophia's room tomorrow. If you can't read what it says, click on the picture, which should take you to an enlargement so you can. The words are worth reading.

I was having such a good time that I forgot to take any pictures of Sophia with everyone. But she sat in the middle of the room and entertained folks the entire time. I think it's her job. If only it brought it more money!

Later in the evening, Grandpa Earl and Grandma Darla stopped in for a brief visit. They had been in Eugene most of the day with Barry and Jess. Sophia is always happy with the attention she gets from her grandparents!

Today Sophia is wearing this pretty new dress that Grandma Nancy bought her. Grandma Nancy takes her grandmotherly shopping duties very seriously and picks very cute clothing! This was the first day in this new dress and it was quite a hit. (The hem was quite nice to chew on for one thing.)

I've seen these very cute baby birth counters on websites and forms a lot and thought it would be a fun thing to add to our blog. Unfortunately, I'm not savvy enough with html to figure out how to keep it up top or someplace permanent, so it's going into this post. At the time I'm putting it in this post it shows that Sophia is 6 months, 2 weeks, and 2 days old, but I believe it will advance every day.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Big day in Eugene

Today we spent most of our day in Eugene. It is about halfway between Salem and Roseburg where our good friends the Simmons family live. We met them for lunch and a walk in the park.

Alex did an excellent job pushing Sophia in the stroller, although she kept a sharp eye on Daddy to be sure she was safe. Or perhaps she was keeping an eye on Daddy giving a ride to Gabriel wondering why he was sharing his shoulders with another child.

She also loved hanging out with Ann Marie and especially loved touching her sweater.
After the park, we went to visit Aunt Jess and Uncle Barry who live in Eugene. While there, Sophia had her first taste of ice cream. It was a big hit.

Also popular was playing with her aunt and uncle who seem quite taken with her. It had been a while since we'd seen Aunt Jess and Sophia got to show off her more hair, new teeth, and ability to sit up.

After the fun, full day, she slept all the day home. If only both Mommy and Daddy could, but one of them had to drive home!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Visits with the grandparents

Sunday Grandparents Earl and Darla came to visit for the day. They took care of Sophia for a few hours while Paul and I got a much-needed break and went to see a movie. This last week has been pretty tough with Sophia sick, and we're both quite drained. Tonight, my parents came for dinner.

Sophia continues to improve, although she is still a bit grumpy, tires easily, and her sleep patterns are off. The last few mornings she has woken up about 3:30 needing to eat. That's just way to early! She is also crying a lot in her sleep. It's almost like she's having nightmares. Do babies have nightmares?

Today her day care provider thought she had an allergic reaction to the antibiotic and that was causing a rash on her stomach. We think this is unlikely since Sophia hasn't had any antibiotics since Thursday. The day care person assumed she was still taking them. It seems that the rash is more of a heat rash from having a fever for so long. But it just seems to be one thing after another! We talked about starting a new food yesterday, but decided that with the way things have been going lately, it probably wouldn't go well, so we'd hold off. Hopefully things will get back to normal soon. Whatever normal is.